益子焼窯元 陶房日向 Mashiko-yaki pottery TOBO HINATA
陶房日向は、益子伝統の釉薬「柿釉」のお店です。生粋の益子焼を毎日の食卓でお楽しみください。 日向窯の起源は、群馬県安中市の自性寺焼(安土・桃山時代)にあり、 登り窯職人の須藤勇次郎(初代)が江戸末期、益子町道祖土(さやど)に職人を連れて移り住み窯を築き、安太郎(二代目)に続く武雄(三代目)が、人間国宝の濱田庄司先生の誘いで、益子参考館前に窯を築きました。 田上勇(四代目)田上宗利(五代目)がその教えを守り、益子伝統の焼き物作りに励んでおります。 窯元直売のお店です!
☆The roots of Hinata-gama *Gama(kama<wear>) mean kiln also we use as a trading name by using gama ending
Our ancestor (First generation Sudo Yujiro) launched his own pottery (Sudo gama) at Sayado Mashiko machi at Meiji era (1868) who used to work as a craftsman of Jishoji-yaki in Gunma prefecture. At the time of Second generation of Yasutaro, Sudo gama became one of the biggest pottery and had a lot of craftsmen. Also, around this time Hamada Shoji (one of the most famous pottery artist, and Japanese human national treasure) launched his own pottery at Mashiko. Thanks to his effort, Mashiko yaki had changed from an ordinary practical item, to an artifact. The third generation Sudo Takeo learned from Hamada Shoji. The son of Hamada and Takeo was classmates and Hamada had known Takeo since he was childhood, and Hamada helped to make his new private kiln in front of Hamada house. By taking advice from Hamada, Takeo made a bunch of masterpieces.
Nowadays Fourth generation Tagami Isamu and Fifth generation Tagami Munetoshi they are creating traditional Mashiko yaki.